Httpx库 简介 httpx是Python新一代的网络请求库 , 官方文档open in new window 兼容Resquests语法 基于Python3的功能齐全的http请求模块 既能发送同步请求,也能发送异步请求 支持HTTP/1.1和HTTP/2 能够直接向WSGI应用程序或者ASGI应用程序发送请求 安装
pip install httpx[ http2]
python -m pip install httpx[ http2]
import httpx
client = httpx. Client( http2= True )
r = httpx. get( '' )
r = httpx. post( '' , data= { 'key' : 'value' } )
r = httpx. put( '' , data= { 'key' : 'value' } )
r = httpx. delete( '' )
r = httpx. head( '' )
r = httpx. options( '' )
import httpx
headers = { 'user-agent' : 'my-app/1.0.0' }
params = { 'key1' : 'value1' , 'key2' : 'value2' }
url = ''
r = httpx. get( url, headers= headers, params= params)
print ( r)
print ( r. status_code)
print ( r. encoding)
print ( r. text)
print ( r. json( ) )
import httpx
url = ''
cookies = { 'color' : 'green' }
r = httpx.get( url, cookies = cookies)
print( r.json( ))
import httpx
r = httpx.get( '' , timeout = 0.001 )
print( r)
import httpx
with httpx.Client( ) as client:
headers = { 'X-Custom' : 'value' }
r = client.get( '' , headers = headers)
print( r.text)
import httpx
proxies = {
'http://' : 'http://localhost:8080' ,
'https://' : 'http://localhost:8081' ,
url = ''
with httpx.Client( proxies= proxies) as client:
r1 = client.get( url)
print( r1)
Parsel库 简介 安装
pip install parsel
python -m pip install parsel
from parsel import Selector
html = httpx. get( '' ) . text
selector = Selector( text= html)
for iterm in iterms:
text = item. css( '.name ::text' ) . get
print ( text)
for iterm in iterms:
text = item. xpath( '//a[contains(@class, "name")]' ) . get
print ( text)
Xlwings库 简介 安装
pip install xlwings
python -m pip install xlwings